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Saturday, 10 December 2011

Just Carry Me Home Tonight

One of my all time favourite voices, Nate Ruess, has released a new single with his band fun. and I am just ecstatic. I felt the need to share it with the internet! Because, after all, it is pure bliss. My week has been a little tough, some stress and just some bad situations, and music has really been my shoulder I've been leaning on. It always helps through the rough patches in life when I feel like I have nothing else to count on to bring me back up. So next time you're feeling down, please take a listen to songs like this! You just can't go wrong with a unique voice, beautiful lyrics and music that seems to lift the soul.

I also just watched My Sisters Keeper for the first time, and now know why no one would go with me in theatres! Okay okay, I cry in movies, but it's usually not embarrassing or anything crazy. This movie on the other hand, well, let's just say I got a little messy. So fantastic regardless of the sadness and unresolved ending, but what I loved the most is that it was real. It was life. It didn't hide the hard times that come along with any time life puts some weight on your shoulders, and it showed the amazing times you can have despite everything crappy going on around you. That you can smile, no matter how much it seems like there is nothing left to look forward too, that there's always going to be something to keep you going. It had a great message, a real story, and it seemed to fit with my life right now. Can't go wrong with that! Really hit home, and I loved it.

Anyway, enough rambling!! Just wanted to share some words.
Have a great Saturday night kittehs :)

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