Summertime really has to be the best time. Auditions for my play start in two days, I'm absolutely thrilled. There's been a fair amount of buzz about it from what I can tell, which is seriously exciting. And nerve racking. I might have been a nervous wreck for the past week, my coworkers and friends can seriously vouch for that one. Haha. Apologies to all of you who have had to deal with me, and thanks in advance for putting up with my anxiety this summer :) La la la, things coming together really freak me out and excite me at the same time. My emotions, nerves, stress levels and basically just my life in general have been a bit of roller coaster this month. Lots of downs, but a whole bundle of ups too! Gotta focus on the positives!!
Jason Mraz's new album is absolute bliss. I'm Coming Over Tonight is basically the cutest hidden track of my life. It's so upbeat, fun, lovey and just puts you in a fantastic mood.
Anyone else really missing being a kid lately? I miss tying my balloon around my wrist, wearing water wings in the pool and putting cartoon band aids on my scraped knees. Wait, I still do all of those...minus the water wings :)
Anyway, went shopping at some second hand stores this afternoon and ended up doing some DIY crop tops and short shorts! Feeling like I accomplished a bit of something today at least.
Have a great weekend!!