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Sunday, 5 August 2012

Fringe 2012 Day 4

It is about to be the fourth day of the Saskatoon PotashCorp Fringe Theatre Festival, and I couldn't be having a better time!! These are the plays I've seen so far:

The Witch:
Erik is captivating, entrancing and keeps your attention throughout his entire show. He tells the stories of love, grief, pain and happiness and makes you feel what the characters feel!

Vernus says SURPRISE:
A one man show with only an audio track. No lines. The amount of work put into this show blows my mind, the perfection of the timing with the sounds and actions is just ridiculous. Think you have a hard time buying birthday presents?? Try doing it when you're 80!

Dying Hard:
This one man show are people from radio interviews about the cole miners in Newfoundland and performed beta, and the performance is absolutely stunning. It was like I was right there with them, and honestly brought me to tears. This is a must see!!

Lost & Left Behind:
A story telling show that teaches you and tells the story of Brent Hirose's family and how they became proud Canadians from Japan. Brent is funny, captivating and always leaves you wanting more. A definite recommendation for this show.

You all know about the happy folks of Fairytale Land, right? Well how about the ones who just don't fit in? Fred is a logical thinker who just wants to live somewhere without all the magic and nonsense. He meets others who are similar in their non-fairy tale ways on his journey! The script is snappy, creative and all together lovable. Cast and creators get my applause :) Take your kids, nieces, nephews and younger siblings to this family friendly show!

Outside Joke's Summetime Party Jam:
Musical. Improve. Shall I say more?? I happened to go to one about dinosaurs, which couldn't have been more perfect! They're hilarious, adorable and exceptionally talented. I was laughing the entire show and did not want it to end!

No Rest For The Wicked:
In this on-stage radio drama comes a story from the mind of Dr. Frightful! The entire cast is absolutely amazing, and can turn from one character to another with the snap of a finger. The story line keeps you paying attention the entire time, makes you laugh, and all in all creeps you right out. It's awesome.

Cupid and Psyche:
A Roman story, with many amazing characters, stunning costumes, and a whole bundle of talent. This show had me laughing and crying, as it had some amazing jokes it was also a love story between two people who fall for each other despite how different they are. All of the actors in this were absolutely amazing and hilarious.

So those are the plays I've seen, and I've loved everything so far!! Can wait to see many many more! :)
