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Saturday, 3 December 2011

We Part With A Letter

Ellie Goulding, you are absolutely splendid. Anyone with such a unique and distinct voice steals a little piece of my soul when I hear them sing. I think one of the best things about music is that it can remind you of a specific time in your life with just a few notes or words. I'm also someone that loves to reminisce on the past, so it's a bonus for me! Most of the time, haha.

Sorry to tell you, I still don't have new pictures to post up on here, it has been too chilly this past week to get me out of my big winter jacket! But I can give you all some advice: Go. See. The. Muppets. It is absolutely fantastic, I loved it so much I saw it twice in one week! If you miss out on seeing it in theatres, you will only live to regret it. I promise you that!! The music, the laughter, and just the pure joy you will get out of it will fill your heart with love. It did for me at least :)

Have a great afternoon! xoxo
Farewell kitties

(I miss summer so I'm posting this older picture to capture warmth and sunshine)

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